Payments Reports


The payments reports are used to keep track of the amounts and types of payments you have received over a date range by looking at a complete history of your data.


The Reports

By Type

The Payments by Type report is used to see an overview of all of your payments.


By default when you run this report you will see a summary for each payment type that has been used during the time frame you are looking at. If you expand the view(click on the +) you will see a detail of each payment of that type including:

The date and time the payment was made.

The invoice number and contact name for the invoice the payment was applied to. You can click this to view the invoice.

If the invoice was part of a reservation you will also see the contact and confirmation number for the reservation. You can click this to view the reservation


Payments are marked with a check while refunds are identified with a crossed circle.

Credit Card Authorizations

The credit card pre-authorizations report is used to check the status of authorizations that have been opened during the time-frame you are looking at.


Credit Card Transactions

The credit card transactions report is used to check the status of transactions that have occurred during the time-frame you are looking at. This report should be used to settle your batch with Shift4.