Using Letter Codes

Letter codes are a great way to customize your letter to individual guests without doing a lot of work as you are sending it. They can pull information from your business details, guest contact information, reservation, or invoice. 

All of the default letters in rezStream use letter codes, which appear as generic information in grey boxes when you are editing the letter in the configuration section. 

To utilize a letter code, first, place the cursor at the part of the letter you wish to show the information, then select the letter codes from the list on the right side of your screen. You can scroll down in the menu or search to find the information you want the letter to pull.


Letter Code Types:

There are five different letter code types: Date/Time (which also include business information), Person, Reservation, Invoice, and Gift Certificate. 

Date/Time codes will have a small clock icon  next to them in the letter code menu. These codes will pull the information for the time that you are sending the email or printing the letter. The last few of these codes are business information codes that will pull information from your Business Details section in configuration. 

Below that are person codes, which will have a small person icon  next to them in the letter code menu. These will pull information from the guest's contact information such as salutation, name, address, and email.

Next on the list are Reservation codes, which will have a small suitcase icon  next to them in the letter code menu. These codes will pull information from the reservation you are sending it from, such as confirmation number, some pricing information, list of units, party size, or length of stay, among others. 

Next are Invoice codes, which will have a small grid icon  next to them in the letter code menu. These will pull information from a specific invoice, such as line item and payment details. 

Below that are Gift Certificate codes, which will have a small ticket icon  next to them in the letter code menu. These codes are used only for Gift Certificate confirmation letters, and a printout or email of the certificate details. 


For a list of letter codes and their uses, click here.

Letter Scope:

Letter codes also affect the scope of the letter, which controls where the letter can and cannot be sent from. Most notably, if you use an invoice letter code, the letter will automatically be scoped as an invoice, which will prevent it from being sent or printed from the dashboard, or set up as a scheduled email.