You now have the ability to show your units on the booking engine by Unit Types.
First click on the Booking Engine tab.
Then click on the Units and Unit Types button.
In the top box change the Search and Book by to Unit Type (grouped by Rate Plan)
This will display the list of all your unit types. Next will show all the bookable units in each unit type.
When you click on the unit type, it will bring up a new window to edit the unit type name and description. You can also select which individual units you want to make bookable.
Towards the bottom is Units Remaining Threshold with an amount. A message will appear in the booking engine for this unit type to indicate how many units of this type are remaining. Make sure and save these new settings in the top right.
Next click on the Configuration button, and choose Images.
You will need to change your images to display by Rate Plans, instead of units. To do this click on the gear button in the top right of the image, and add the image to the Rate Plans. When you’re finished with the changes click save in the top right.
Now your booking engine is going to display by unit types, and not individual units.