Creating and Using Fees

To create a Fee, navigate to the configuration section and select 'Fees'.


Then create your fee by selecting 'Add New Fee' in the top right corner. Enter the name of the fee, select which tax group applies to this fee (Leave it blank if the fee is not taxable), and choose the type of fee (percent, flat rate per reservation, or flat rate per unit). Then select the start date for the fee (defaults to today) and the amount. Finally, save the fee.


Before we can apply this fee, we must create the fee group and add the fee to it. To do this, select 'Fee Groups' and then 'Add New Fee Group'. Name the new fee group and choose which fees to apply to it, then save.


Now through Configuration>Rate Plans (Unit Types), we can add the fee to any rate plan or point of sale item by setting it as the default fee group or the override fee group, then save.

 The Fee will automatically be applied when that rate plan or POS item is utilized.
