Letters and Templates

Letters and Templates


Letters can be defined in the rezStream Cloud PMS. Once defined, they can be printed and mailed to guests or delivered electronically via email. Examples of Cloud PMS letters are:

    • Confirmation

    • Deposit Due

    • Deposit Received

    • Registration Card

    • Parking Pass

    • Thank You


To create a letter, click the Configuration button on the Quick Navigation toolbar.




Under the Email/Letters heading, click the Letters and Templates link.



Letter Editor

Use the letter editor to define the content, or body, of the letter.




After defining a letter template, use the following steps to create the body of the letter.


  1. Click the Letters button.



  1. In the upper right-hand corner, click the Add New Letter button.




3. Enter a name for the new letter.




4. When the letter is emailed to a guest, the subject line is used. Enter text and letter codes in the subject line. In the example below, the confirmation number is appended to the end of the subject. To define a letter code in the subject line, select a code from the “Select a Code” drop-down menu.


After selecting the code, it is added to the subject line:




5. Specify the template defined in the previous section as the Email and Print Template.




6. Add the date to the body of the letter. Select the “Date (Long)” code from the drop-down list.




7. Enter a combination of text and letter codes to the body of the letter. In the example below, the first name in the greeting is a letter code (First Name):



8. To add the hyperlink in the example above, highlight the text (The Powder Hound Inn) and click the “Link” button:


After clicking the link button, complete the fields in the Link window and click the OK button.




9. Insert a table with four rows and two columns:




10. Enter text in the left-hand column:




11. Enter letter codes in the right-hand column:




12. In this example, the “Deposit Name” code is not required. Position the cursor inside of the cell and delete the code and the bullet point.



13. Complete the letter by adding text below the table:




14. Save the letter.



Personalizing your letters even more

We encourage you to personalize your letters and your templates to reflect your business. You can use the toolbar on the letter editor to add emojis and images.

The editor also supports copying and pasting images directly into your letter or template. Open the photo you want to use in your favorite viewer, copy the image, then tab back to the letter editor and paste. It will be inserted at your cursor's location.