Adding an Image to a Unit, Rate Plan, Package, or POS

Learn how to add images to a Unit, Rate Plan, Package, or POS Item to create a more engaging and user-friendly experience for both your team and guests.

1. Navigate to the Booking Engine tab and choose Images.


2. Choose the Unit, Rate Plan, Package, or POS item from the drop-down list.

Select object

3. Click the green Add button beneath each image you wish to include in the Room, Rate, Package, or P.O.S. item. The initial image in the list will be the first one displayed.


To best showcase your property and amenities, we recommend using high-resolution, landscape-oriented (horizontal) photos. The larger, the better!

When you upload images, our system will automatically resize them to a maximum of 1920x1080 pixels while maintaining the aspect ratio. To ensure the best quality, select photos that are at least 1920 pixels wide or 1080 pixels tall. Remember, landscape-oriented photos will display most effectively on your booking engine.