Cloud PMS > TCMS Website Connection


We have a feature that allows you to integrate your WordPress TCMS with our Cloud software. This integration allows you to update unit information such as name, description, and images to your website straight from your software. You can find these settings under the 'Integrations' section:

Integration Steps

To initiate this connection, you'll need to generate an access token from WordPress. Log into your WordPress TCMS and choose 'rezStream Cloud' from the list of options on the left (this will be one of the bottom-most options in the list). Click on 'Generate a New Access Token', and click on 'Copy Token' next to the token field:


With the token copied, log into your rezStream Cloud software, and select 'Integrations' from the left (as highlighted in the first screenshot above). Within this section, choose 'WordPress Website Plugin Settings' (NOTE: If you do not see this option with the 'Integration' section, contact rezStream at 303-872-0220 x2 or at to enable it):

In the 'Access Token' field, right-click and choose 'paste' to enter the Access Token that you generated in the previous site, and then choose 'Activate Site':

Once you have successfully connected rezStream Cloud PMS to your WordPress TCMS, you will see a few settings. 'Enable WordPress Unit Syncing' will be turned on by default. You can choose whether to enable the option to Display Rates on your site.

The next step is to map units to web pages. Choosing 'Update Website' in the top right-hand corner will create web pages for each of the listed units:

The web pages created will use the unit names, descriptions, and images which are set up in 'Unit Configuration'

Once you have chosen to 'Update Website' to create the unit pages, the system will automatically map the units to the pages that have been created. This means that any updates made to the unit within the software will automatically update those pages on your website.

A few things to keep in mind:
  • If you generate a new access token within your WordPress TCMS, you must enter that access token into the 'WordPress Website Plugin Settings' in order for the syncing to work correctly.
  • If a unit is accidentally deleted within rezStream Cloud, the best option is to disable the page within WP, recreate the cabin within rezStream Cloud PMS, and then go back into 'WordPress Website Plugin Settings' to recreate the page.
  • Once a unit has been mapped to a page, the mapping cannot be edited. However, when adding new units to the system, new pages can be created and mapped to the new units
  • Verify that image file names for your units are using underscores, rather than spaces, for the image syncing to work correctly

Updating Unit Name, Description, and Images:


Below are the steps of where you would update your unit name(s) and descriptions(s) that will automatically populate your TCMS website once you’ve enabled your Cloud PMS > TCMS connection.  


  1. Select “Configuration” from the main navigation within the Cloud PMS
  2. Select “Units” from the Units section
  3. Select the name of the unit you wish to edit
  4. Select the appropriate tab you wish to edit:
  5. Within the “General” tab is where you will control the name of your unit on the TCMS website:
  6. Within the “Description” tab is where you’ll control the description of that unit on the TCMS website:
  7. Within the “Images” tab is where you will select the images for the unit(s) that will display on the TCMS website on the unit pages:


Anytime you wish to update these items on your TCMS website you can do so directly within your Cloud PMS software.  These changes will also update your online booking engine so the guest will see the same consistency from your website and in their buying journey within your booking engine.  

Here is the article that includes pictures: