How to Export and Send Your Reservation Master Database for Cloud Conversion

When preparing to move your Reservation Master data to the Cloud, it’s important to follow these steps carefully to ensure no information is lost. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Prepare the Reservation Master System

  1. Notify the Property Staff: Let the property staff know that anything entered into the Reservation Master system after the database is taken will not be converted into the Cloud.

  2. Close and Save: Ensure they close and save all data in their Reservation Master system.

Step 2: Locate the Database File

  1. Access the C Drive: On the property's computer, open File Explorer and navigate to the *C:* drive.

  2. Find the Reservation Master Folder: Locate the folder named either Reservation Master 5 or Reservation Master 7 — depending on their version.

Step 3: Compress the Database File

  1. Right-click the Folder: Once you've found the correct folder, right-click on it.

  2. Create a ZIP File:

    • If available, select Compress to ZIP File.

    • Alternatively, choose Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder.

  3. This will create a ZIP file of their database, usually saved to their Desktop by default.

Step 4: Send the ZIP File

  1. Locate the ZIP File: Verify that the ZIP file is on the desktop or in the selected location.

  2. Email the ZIP File: Open your email client, attach the ZIP file, and send it to yourself.

Final Steps

  • Double-check that the file was successfully emailed and received.

  • Inform the property staff that the data transfer has begun and any new entries made from this point will not be included in the Cloud version.